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National Food Cluster

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  2. National Food Cluster
  3. Strategy
  4. Vision and Strategy (Mission)



"The hub for innovative growth in the food industry"

Creating an ecosystem for innovative growth, from a start-up to a global company

  • Future values

    Strengthening technological competitiveness for future food

    • Customized technological support
    • Global certification services
    • Timely responses to trends in future food technology
    • Construction and utilization of technology innovation networks
  • Innovative growth

    Vitalization of food-innovation ecosystem

    • Developing an advanced and food industry-leading complex
    • Supporting food venture and start-ups by young entrepreneurs
    • Supporting corporate growth and management improvement
    • Building a new infrastructure for fostering food companies
  • Enhanced specialization

    Advance base for the export market

    • Strengthening the competitiveness of overseas export bases
    • Expanding channels for supporting domestic sales
    • Establishing a transit and supply center for agricultural raw materials
    • Establishing and operating a food information platform
  • Communication and cooperation

    Establishing a sustainable management system

    • Management for realizing social values
    • Innovation achieved by public institutions
    • Future-oriented organizational culture
    • Laying the foundation for creating a new growth driver


R&D·network·export-oriented Korean-food cluster

  • Business-friendly infrastructure
    • Developing a food industrial complex creating high value
    • Creating comfortable living environment for those in the food industry
    • Building business-friendly infrastructure
    • Attracting innovation-oriented food companies and research institutes
  • Facilities to support corporate innovation
    • Construction of three major R&D facilities for low costs and high value
    • Construction of three major facilities to support production
  • R&D and networks for creating high value
    • R&D support for developing high value-added products
    • Developing and promoting functional foods
    • Establishing domestic and overseas industry-school networks
  • Base for food export and mutual growth with the agricultural/fishery industry
    • Serving as an export base for high value-added foods
    • Supporting development of a food export market
    • Establishing a food logistics efficiency system
    • Linking the agricultural/fishery industry with the food industry to facilitate growth
    • Promoting the 6th food industrialization aligned with the tourism industry
  • Enhanced corporate capabilities
    • Securing human resources for the food industry and HR development
    • Enhancing capabilities of resident companies such as funding and consulting